Thursday, April 4, 2013

Because The Days Can be Long, But The Years Are Short

So I often hear about 18 year olds who have almost no life skills as they go out into the world as newly minted "adults".   I feel a little judgmental about parents who have allowed that to happen, and then I think about how much better I thought I would be doing as a mom by this point.

I have realized 18 can just sneak up on a parent.  So I have created a list of skills I want my kids to have by the age of 18.  It is written for them.  I will present it printed on fine paper.  Each kid will have her/his own copy to keep and I hope for it to be something THEY want for themselves.  Something they can complete and feel like they really are ready to go out into the world.   It is not just about me teaching them everything, but me being more of a mentor as they work themselves to gain these skills.

So here they are in their initial version.  I keep thinking of things, and expect this to grow before I am ready to present it to my oldest.

Skills to Acquire By the Age of 18

____       Self-Respect – Know and honor your values and principles before anything else.  Trust yourself to say and do only what feels true and honoring.  Listen to and respect the precious voice inside when it feels fearful, reluctant or unsettled.  Honor yourself.

____       Goal Setting - Know how to set goals, large and small, and do small things on a daily basis to reach them.

____       Critical Thinking – You can solve problems through the use of reasoning, and you have the ability to identify flaws in an argument.

____       Positive Thinking – You can focus on solutions instead of complaints.  You understand that you can replace negative self-talk with positive.

____       Learning – You understand the importance of being a perpetual learner.  You know how to use current resources to find information you need.  You know how to find help learning something when you need it.

____       Passion – You practice pursuing your passions and understand that finding your passion(s) is key to your success and happiness.

____       Problem Solving – When things aren’t working out for you, when the next step you should take is not obvious, you know how to find all of the information you need and evaluate it to find a solution worth trying.

____       Failure – You are not afraid to fail.  You make the best choices you can and “go for it”.  You try new things.  You learn new skills.  When things don’t work out for you, you reevaluate and try again.

____       Empathy – You know how to stop and see things through the eyes of others.

____       Listening – You know how to actively listen to someone so you really understand what they are saying.  Waiting for your turn to speak is not listening.

____       Maintaining Close Relationships – You understand how to use listening and empathy with those close to you.  You can balance self-respect and your own needs with the needs of those you care about.  You know when to say “no” and insist on boundaries and when to put others’ needs first.

____       Being in the Present – You know how to bring your consciousness into the present moment.

____       Meditation – You have tried various meditation techniques and identified your favorites.  You are capable of meditating for ½ hour straight.  You understand the benefits of daily meditation.

____       Self – Soothing/Care – You are aware of your body and emotions and know when you need to care for yourself.  You don’t use unhealthy self-soothing techniques (food, drugs, cutting, etc.).  You have acquired a “tool box” of techniques that you find soothing or healing (meditation, hot bath, exercise, reading, napping, writing, drawing, deep breathing, aromatherapy, talking with a friend, laughing etc.).

___        Art Of Conversation – You are comfortable carrying on conversations with people.  You know how to focus on others and ask questions.  You use active listening.  You act respectfully when disagreeing.  You are comfortable expressing your thoughts.

____       Time Management – You can plan your time well.  You are on time.  You don’t overschedule yourself.  You use time wisely and complete tasks in a timely manner.

____       Risk Assessment – You don’t do overly risky or dangerous things.  You can evaluate the risks of actions vs. their potential rewards.

____       Auto – You know how to inflate your tires, check fluids, keep the vehicle clean and bring it in for maintenance. 

____       Laundry – You know how to launder your own clothes.

____       Cooking – You have basic cooking skills and can follow a recipe.

____       Cleaning – You know what, how and how often to clean various parts of the home .

____       Organization – You have the skills to figure out ways to organize your space, records, and anything else that needs organizing.

____       Living Within Your Means – You understand how credit can get you into trouble.  You can budget your money and save for things you want.  You don’t spend more than you make.

____       Basic Money Skills – You can manage checking and savings accounts.  You can pay your bills.  You can write a check and understand steps to take to help protect your self from identity theft.  You understand what a credit score is, what affects your credit score, and how to monitor it.

____       Frugality – You know how to shop around for a good deal, to compare between products of different prices and quality, and to make things last and not waste.  You know how to negotiate for a better deal.  You can control impulse buying.  You understand how much more money you spend eating out vs. cooking for yourself.

____       Nutrition – You understand which foods are good for you, which are not-so-good, and which are bad.  You understand what a poor diet can do to your health, your energy and your overall well-being.  You try new foods to create a varied diet of mostly healthy foods you enjoy.

____       Physical Fitness – You understand the benefits of regular physical activity.  You try out new activities to keep fitness enjoyable.  You know how to prioritize scheduling time for exercise into your day.

____       Health/Sickness – You know how to treat yourself with natural and over the counter remedies for basic illnesses.  You know when you need to see a doctor.  You know how to advocate for yourself with your doctor.
____       Social Graces – You can interact politely in social situations.  You have good manners. You can give a solid handshake – no limp noodles! You understand social etiquettes and can use them when appropriate.  You know how to dress appropriately for various situations.

____       Grooming – You have good grooming habits and skills.  You can care for your hair, skin and nails.  You can style your hair appropriately for various situations.  You know how to apply make-up well (if applicable).  You brush and floss your teeth every day.  Your clothes are neat and tidy.

____       Sewing – You have basic sewing skills.  You can at least sew on an button and repair a small tear.

____       Fire! – You can start a campfire and properly extinguish it.  You can safely use gas and charcoal grills.

____       Product Assembly – You can follow instructions and assemble household items that need assembly after purchase.